Saturday, October 5, 2024

Best 2 Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

Grappling with overweight has been an age-long challenge. Gaining weight is not something that happens overnight. It’s something that occurs as a result of protracted adverse lifestyle changes especially when it comes to nutritional and sedentary lifestyles. Eating junk foods and taking lots of sugar are major culprits when you think about obesity.

 When you are overweight, you are bound to experience body pain. Not just pain but you will always lack energy such that even lifting out of bed would be a big problem. You will not be able to do any work because of weakness. 

However, weight gain is not a death sentence. There is a solution! 

I would like to share just two natural ways on how to effectively lose body fat. 

Eating natural foods without cooking them had been the initial plan of God for mankind. And so, research has also shown that when we eat most of our foods raw, we experience optimum health including maintaining our body weights.

 Raw foods are health foods. They say that you are what you eat. And that is apt when it comes to weight gain. Foods are medicines. If you eat aright, you have no need for a doctor. In order to lose weight, you need to eat raw foods in the form of juicing and pretty salads. 

For example: taking exclusive lemon-honey juice is an effective solution for obesity. Lime juice plus water and honey are excellent for reducing body weight. Again, consuming cabbage salad is the simplest way to get lean, stay lean, and a painless way of dieting. Tomatoes and groundnuts are also highly beneficial towards the quest to lose weight naturally. 

The secret is that when you eat health foods, you lose the desire to constantly crave for food. You only eat when you body really needs calories. And that naturally results in the losing of body fat. 

Exercises are another way to lose weight. Exercise is vital for your body. If you don’t move around, your muscles will be weak and your blood circulation will be sluggish. In addition, your tissue cells lose elasticity; your heart loses strength which may result in cardiovascular problems; you may also experience osteoporosis which is loss in bone density; et cetera et cetera.

 With simple and not-too-vigorous exercises such as skipping ropes, taking staircase, brisk walking, push-ups, stretching, etc, you will gain success in the treatment of your overweight. 

These activities, amongst others, will bring about more oxygen intake resulting in better circulation, increase in good cholesterol, HDL and ultimately, aids in weight loss. 

With the combination of healthy eating and exercises, you begin to lose weight gradually and steadily. You will start to experience increase in energy and stamina. And you can now do that work you were not able to do before, and you will no longer be in pain.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

5 Top Healthy Eating Secrets that Can Help You at Christmas

Christmas is both a spiritual and a physical celebration for the commemoration of the birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. But in most cases, most people (including pagans) emphasize the physical aspect more. In my own part of the World, people exchange visits a lot at this time and at every ‘station’, one is offered varieties of foods – healthy and unhealthy. What used to happen is: at about 24hrs after the celebration, many would be down with diarrhea (running stomach); some with aggravated high blood pressure and diabetic conditions; while others re-gain unnecessary weight they’ve been struggling all their life to shed. Our Lord Jesus Christ took flesh for a purpose. This piece is for a purpose and that is, to put across specific healthy eating tips just for you this yuletide. I need to show love (eh?!) most especially this season. So, let me for the first time reveal to you 5 top healthy eating secrets for Christmas.

Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating